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Woody Harrison
Daily Positivity 12/3/18
Just remember, the daily positive mindset takes practice and persistence. It's the same as making muscles stronger by using them more.
Woody Harrison
You get what you put out
From "Think and Grow Rich: "Recognize the fact that you, and every other human being are by nature lazy, indifferent, and susceptible to...
Woody Harrison
Daily Positivity 11/28/18
Ever noticed how negative thoughts just creep into your daily routine? Complaints about traffic. Judging people for smoking. Judging...
Woody Harrison
Daily Positivity 11/26/18
I've been reading "Think and Grow Rich" for the last few months. It's a classic. The author, Napoleon Hill mentions often how so many men...
Woody Harrison
Daily Positivity 11/20/18
This little guy. I'm so grateful Henry is healthy and just a cool kid. Really, he's just fun to be around. We've also started potty...
Woody Harrison
Daily Positivity 11/14/18
Today, I'm tired, cranky and stressed. Cranky and stressed because I haven't been able to ride my mountain bike in a few weeks. I can...
Woody Harrison
Daily Positivity 11/12/18
Here's to the little things. I just bought a single cortado from Stonehouse coffee on South Lamar. I'm meeting with Bicycle Sport Shop to...
Woody Harrison
Daily Positivity 11/9/18
I know that through persistence, I can change and replace negative thoughts to positive thoughts.
Woody Harrison
Daily Positivity 11/8/18
My Uber drivers last night reminded me of some important things. The first driver reminded me that I am pretty successful in my work. I'm...
Woody Harrison
Daily Positivity 11/7/18
I'm so grateful for good customers. Customers who are good people, fair and allow me to work in good environments. And having steady...
Woody Harrison
Daily Positivity. 11/6/18
Changing lifelong negative thinking habits takes persistence. And realizing when the negative thought happens. Through persistence and...
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